The Need to Release!

Last Updated 12/16/2021

Dearest Seekers of Love,

With immense gratitude I am welcoming the cooler days that accompany our transition from summer to autumn. The autumn is a most romantic time to call forth the love of our lives! As I tell my single friends, the winter is long and cold and it is nice to have someone to snuggle with!

It has come to my attention that I personally must take a refresher course in the sacred art of releasing and I invite you to reflect on my thoughts in regards to this most fascinating topic!

As I began to review the literature on this topic, I felt as though I was hearing this information for the first time. I was however inspired and knew that I was on the right path. I also decided that this was the perfect time of year to begin a releasing program and that only goodness would be the result! As you know, nature and life are a constant process of releasing. Think of the bounty of fruit and vegetables that are being released so that we can be nourished in healthy and delicious ways. Also, think of how trees in New England release their leaves after giving us so much beauty and so that they can prepare for another year of splendor.

Although my life is becoming more and more spiritually refined, I am constantly being reminded by the Universe that there is always more to be released. I also know that we must release if we are to be the receivers of the gifts which the Universe has in store for us.

More examples of everyday releasing are as follows:

Parents must release their children if they are to individuate and achieve their potential.

Sports teams must release the players who no longer can contribute to a winning team.

We must release extra weight if we are to attain our ideal body.

We must clear our homes of unwanted things if we are to have a tidy house.

I encourage you to set an intention for releasing anyone or anything that might be keeping you from receiving love. Please use the following prayer to assist you in this process.


Dearest Divine,

I love opening up to the sacred act of releasing. Everyday I am releasing more and more and as I do I am feeling lighter and closer to my spiritual core. I especially am at peace releasing _________ and wish for them total happiness and love. I know that our time together was sacred and helped me to grow in the knowledge of what I truly want. I bless this person on his/her journey and as I do, my journey becomes more wonderful than I could possibly imagine! I love discovering that the more I release, miracle after miracle enters my world. I love being a queen/king of release!

May you enjoy the new season that is coming our way and may all of your dreams come true. Always remember, never forget that you were born to be loved!
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